National Registration Identity Card (NRIC)

Published on: 13 Apr, 2024

The National Registration Identity Card (NRIC) is an official identification document issued to citizens and permanent residents of Singapore. It serves as a primary means of identification for various purposes, including accessing government services, opening bank accounts, voting in elections, and verifying age and identity in multiple transactions.

Key features of the NRIC include:

Unique Identifier: Each NRIC contains a unique identification number assigned to the cardholder. This number is used for official identification purposes and is crucial for accessing government services and transactions.

Personal Information: The NRIC includes personal information about the cardholder, such as their full name, date of birth, gender, nationality, and residential address. This information helps verify the identity of the cardholder and ensure accuracy in official records.

Photograph and Biometric Data: The NRIC includes a photograph of the cardholder for visual identification purposes. In recent years, newer versions of the NRIC may also contain biometric data such as fingerprints or facial recognition information to enhance security and prevent identity fraud.

Security Features: The NRIC incorporates various security features to prevent counterfeiting and unauthorized tampering. These may include holographic images, microprinting, ultraviolet (UV) features, and other anti-counterfeiting measures.

Legal Requirement: Singapore citizens and permanent residents are required by law to carry their NRIC with them at all times and present it to authorities upon request. Failure to do so may result in penalties or fines.

The NRIC is issued by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) of Singapore to citizens and permanent residents. Citizens receive their NRICs upon reaching the age of 15, while permanent residents are issued with a similar identity document known as the Blue Identity Card. The NRIC is an essential document for individuals residing in Singapore, and its accurate and secure management is vital for maintaining the integrity of the country’s identification system.