
Published on: 13 Apr, 2024

Re-domiciliation is when a corporation or other legal entity transfers its domicile (the jurisdiction in which it is registered or incorporated) from one country to another while maintaining its legal identity and corporate existence. This allows the entity to effectively “move” its legal home from one jurisdiction to another without liquidation, dissolution, or the creation of a new entity.

Key aspects of re-domiciliation include:

Legal Continuity: Redomiciliation allows a company to retain its legal identity, assets, liabilities, contracts, and obligations when transferring to a new jurisdiction. The entity continues to exist as the same legal entity, albeit subject to the laws and regulations of the new jurisdiction.

Transfer of Registration: The process typically involves applying with the relevant authorities in both the current and new jurisdictions, and seeking approval for the transfer of registration. Once approved, the entity’s registration is transferred to the new jurisdiction, and it becomes subject to the laws and regulations of that jurisdiction.

Compliance Requirements: Redomiciliation may be subject to certain legal and regulatory requirements in both the current and new jurisdictions, such as filing fees, documentation, shareholder approval, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. It’s essential for entities considering re-domiciliation to carefully assess and comply with these requirements.

Benefits: Redomiciliation offers several potential benefits to entities, including access to new markets, favorable regulatory environments, tax advantages, improved corporate governance frameworks, and enhanced business opportunities. It may also help companies streamline their corporate structures, consolidate operations, or adapt to changing business needs.

Challenges: While re-domiciliation can offer significant benefits, it may also present challenges and complexities, particularly in terms of legal, regulatory, and tax implications. Entities considering redomiciliation should carefully evaluate the potential risks, costs, and benefits, and seek professional advice to navigate the process effectively.