Comptroller of Income Tax

Published on: 28 Jun, 2024

The Comptroller of Income Tax in Singapore is a key official within the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), responsible for the administration and enforcement of income tax laws. The role involves several critical functions and powers as stipulated in the Income Tax Act.


Key Responsibilities and Powers:


Tax Administration and Collection:

The Comptroller ensures that income taxes are assessed, collected, and managed efficiently. This includes issuing Notices of Assessment and ensuring compliance with tax laws.


Enforcement and Compliance:

The Comptroller has the authority to require taxpayers to file tax returns and furnish additional information or documents needed to verify tax liabilities (Sections 62 and 64 of the Income Tax Act)​ (Singapore Secretary Services)

Information Gathering and Investigation:

The Comptroller can obtain information from various sources, including entering premises to gather necessary information (Section 65B). This also extends to requiring information from third parties such as banks (Section 65A)​


Legal Powers:

The Comptroller has significant legal powers, including the ability to arrest individuals without a warrant if they are believed to have committed tax-related offences (Section 65F). Additionally, the Comptroller can prevent individuals who owe taxes from leaving Singapore (Section 86)​


Record Keeping and Reporting:

Taxpayers must maintain proper records as specified by the Comptroller to ensure accurate tax filings and compliance with tax laws (Section 67)​


Role within IRAS:

The Comptroller of Income Tax operates within the structure of the IRAS, which is the statutory board under the Ministry of Finance. The IRAS’s mission includes fostering a competitive tax environment, ensuring tax compliance, and managing the nation’s revenue collection effectively.