Offshore Bank

An offshore bank is a financial institution outside the depositor’s home country. These banks are typically located in jurisdictions that offer favourable regulatory and tax environments, often known as offshore financial centres.

People may choose to open accounts in offshore banks for various reasons, including:

Tax Planning: Some offshore jurisdictions offer lower tax rates or tax incentives compared to the depositor’s home country. Individuals and businesses may use offshore accounts to minimise their tax obligations.

Asset Protection: Offshore banks may offer greater privacy and confidentiality compared to banks in the depositor’s home country. This can be useful to individuals seeking to protect their assets from lawsuits, creditors, or other legal claims.

Diversification: Holding assets in offshore accounts can provide diversification benefits by spreading risk across different jurisdictions and currencies.

International Business: Offshore banks may facilitate international business transactions and provide services such as multicurrency accounts, trade finance, and offshore investment opportunities.