Permanent Resident (PR)

A Permanent Resident (PR) is an individual who has been granted the right to reside indefinitely in a country where they are not a citizen but hold the status of a legal resident. Permanent residency status typically affords individuals many of the same rights and privileges as citizens, such as the right to live, work, and study in the country without needing a visa or residency permit.

Key features of permanent residency status include:

Indefinite Stay: Permanent residents can reside in the country indefinitely, subject to certain conditions and requirements set by the government.

Work and Study: Permanent residents usually have the right to work and study in the country without additional permits or visas.

Access to Benefits and Services: Permanent residents may have certain benefits and services, such as healthcare, education, and social welfare programs.

Travel: Permanent residents may have more freedom to travel in and out of the country compared to non-residents, but they may still be subject to certain travel restrictions or requirements.

Taxation: Permanent residents may be subject to taxation on their worldwide income in the country where they hold permanent residency, similar to citizens. They may also be eligible for certain tax benefits and credits.