Pivot Your Career Today with the Career Conversion Programmes

Pivot Your Career Today with the Career Conversion Programmes
Published on: 23 Aug, 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, adaptability is key. Singapore’s Career Conversion Programmes (CCPs) offer a powerful solution for mid-career individuals looking to pivot their professional paths. Let’s dive into how these programmes are revolutionising career transitions and opening doors to new opportunities.


What are Career Conversion Programmes?

CCPs are targeted initiatives designed to help mid-career individuals undergo skills conversion and transition into new jobs or sectors with promising long-term prospects. These programmes are particularly beneficial for long-term unemployed individuals or mature jobseekers aged 40 and above, who are eligible for enhanced funding support.


Key Benefits of CCPs:

  1. Industry-Recognised Training: Participants receive high-quality, relevant training to prepare them for new occupations or sectors.
  2. Substantial Salary Support: Mid-career workers can receive up to 90% salary support during their transition.
  3. Wide Range of Opportunities: CCPs cover approximately 30 sectors, offering diverse options for career switchers.


Three Modes of CCPs:

  1. Place-and-Train: Companies hire jobseekers and provide on-the-job training or industry-recognised training for new growth job roles.
  2. Attach-and-Train: Host employers offer training and work attachments in growth job roles with good placement prospects.
  3. Job Redesign (JR) Reskilling: Companies reskill existing employees for growth job roles aligned with Industry Transformation Maps or Jobs Transformation Maps.


Eligibility Criteria:

To participate in a CCP, individuals must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Be at least 21 years old
  • Have graduated or completed National Service at least two years prior
  • Require career conversion (new hires should transition to substantially different roles while existing employees should move into identified growth jobs)
  • Commit to full-time employment or attachment with a participating company

It’s important to note that specific CCPs may have additional entry requirements, and certain exclusions apply regarding relationships with hiring companies.


The Impact of CCPs:

Career Conversion Programmes are more than just training initiatives; they’re catalysts for economic transformation. By facilitating the movement of skilled workers into growth sectors, CCPs help to:

  1. Address skills gaps in emerging industries
  2. Enhance the employability of mid-career professionals
  3. Support Singapore’s economic transformation strategies
  4. Promote lifelong learning and adaptability in the workforce


For Employers:

CCPs offer a unique opportunity to access a pool of experienced, motivated professionals ready to take on new challenges. By participating in these programmes, companies can:

  • Fill skill gaps with trained, mid-career professionals
  • Benefit from government support in training and salary costs
  • Contribute to the overall upskilling of Singapore’s workforce



In an era where career changes are becoming the norm rather than the exception, Singapore’s Career Conversion Programmes provide a structured, supported pathway for professional reinvention. Whether you’re a mid-career individual looking for a change or an employer seeking to build a dynamic, skilled workforce, CCPs offer a win-win solution.

Remember, in today’s job market, your next career move could be your best one yet – and CCPs might just be the key to unlocking your professional potential.

Interested individuals can enquire here for a non-obligatory discussion.