GST Rules for Advertising Sector

GST Rules for Advertising Sector

We have recently shared with our client the GST treatment for advertising services provided by their Singapore entity. They are unclear as some of their services are provided locally as well as overseas to customers at various locations. To understand the various...

Statutory Income

Statutory income is a term used primarily in tax law to refer to income specifically defined by statute as subject to tax. This type of income includes all earnings that are legally required to be reported to the tax authorities and is subject to taxation according to...

Comptroller of Income Tax

The Comptroller of Income Tax in Singapore is a key official within the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), responsible for the administration and enforcement of income tax laws. The role involves several critical functions and powers as stipulated in the...

Company Essentials Workshop (3 July 2024)

Time: 5 PM (Singapore Time) Cost: Free! Join us for an insightful webinar where we will cover key topics essential for businesses operating in Singapore. Our experts will provide valuable information and answer your questions during the Q&A session at the end. The...

Branch Office

A branch office in Singapore is a legal structure that allows a foreign company to establish a presence in Singapore. It is essentially an extension of the parent company and not a separate legal entity.   Here are some key characteristics of a branch office in...